
Alemão Intercâmbio de idiomas

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  3. 🇩🇪 Alemão


Língua materna :  Alemão
Língua estudada :  Italiano, Português, Dinamarquês
Hallo, ich bin Sigi aus Düsseldorf, Deutschland. Ich suche Tandempartner, um mein Portugiesisch (B2-C1) zu üben und mehr Italienisch zu lernen (A2). Olá, sou a Sigi de Düsseldorf na Alemanha. Não quero esquecer o meu português então procuro falantes do português que querem praticar comigo. Posso ajudar com o alemão.
Língua materna :  Alemão, Bokmål norueguês
Língua estudada :  Português
Quieria de aprender a falar português. A um só tempo ensinar alemão.
Língua materna :  Alemão, Espanhol
Língua estudada :  Árabe, Italiano, Português, Russo
Servus Profil-Besucher/in, nachdem ich selber gerne Profile lese, die in der Muttersprache des Benutzers geschrieben sind und ich immer viel dadurch lerne, habe ich entschlossen, auch ein paar Zeilen auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Zu mir: ich heiße Gerald und wohne zur Zeit in Baden, eine kleine Stadt südlich von Wien und etwas bekannt dadurch, dass Beethoven eine Zeit hier gelebt und währenddessen die neunte Symphonie komponiert hat - eine Information, die wohl in die Kategorie „fast interessant“ fällt. Zu meinen Leidenschaften gehören gute Literatur, Philosophie, Sport und insbesondere Turnen und, wie du dir wahrscheinlich denken kannst, das Erlernen von Sprachen. Wenn du also eine der Sprachen sprichst, die ich gerade lerne, würde ich mich besonders freuen, von dir zu hören. Gerne kannst du auch dein Deutsch mit mir üben. Also bis dann! Привет! Я только начал изучать русский язык и буду благодарен, если кто-нибудь сможет протянуть мне руку помощи. Я, конечно, могу помочь тем, кто изучает и хочет практиковать немецкий язык. مرحبا بكم، تعجبني كثيرا اللغة العربية ورغم أنني لا أحتاج إلى من يعلمني، سأكون سعيدا بتبادل أطراف الحديث معكم بهذه اللغة الخلابة - وخاصة بغيت نحسن المستوى ديالي في الدارجة المغربية. كذلك سيكون من دواعي سروري مساعدتكم في اللغات التي أجيدها، لكن أرجو أن تفهموا عدم اهتمامي بتعليم أو ممارسة الإنجليزية. أتطلع إلى تلقي رسائلكم!‏ Olá a todos. Quanto ao português, estou aqui principalmente para passar as horas vagas na esperança de ter alguma conversa interessante com pessoas que queiram compartilhar cultura e - já que muito raramente tenho a oportunidade de fazê-lo onde moro - comunicar um pouco nesta maravilhosa língua que é o português. Também estou a disposição caso precisarem de ajuda com o alemão ou espanhol.
Língua materna :  Alemão, Inglês, Francês
你對語言交換有興趣嗎? 我有興趣學習中文. Я ищу языкового партнера, который хотел бы выучить английский или немецкий язык, мы можем обсудить любые темы Estou procurando um parceiro de idiomas que gostaria de aprender inglês ou alemão, podemos discutir todos os tópicos diferentes Estoy buscando un compañero de idiomas al que le gustaría aprender inglés o alemán, podemos discutir todos los temas diferentes. Sto cercando un partner linguistico che vorrebbe imparare l'inglese o il tedesco, possiamo discutere di tutti i diversi argomenti
Língua materna :  Alemão
Hello, My name is lena. I'm 24 years old and I live in in Germany. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Danish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish and Spanish. I'd be happy to help you to learn German in exchange.
I was born in China, emigrated to Canada as a child, and went to university in Germany and the Czech Republic. I consider myself fluent in Chinese Mandarin, English, French and German. I have a medium fluency in Polish, Latin and Czech, and am a beginner with Russian and Finnish. I study history. I am a citizen of Canada.
Língua materna :  Alemão
Língua estudada :  Coreano
Língua materna :  Alemão, Francês
Língua estudada :  Espanhol, Inglês, Francês
Hi, Ich bin Sprachlehrer hier in Bonn und ich suche Leute zum englisch, französisch oder spanisch-Quatschen :) Ich würde mich sehr freuen. Ich bin kommunikativ und sehe gerne neue Orte und treffe gerne neue Menschen. Bis bald, à bientot, see you soon, hasta pronto!
Língua materna :  Alemão, Inglês
Língua estudada :  Coreano
I'm a student in Germany majoring in Economics and East Asian studies. I'm fluent in German and English and I would like to improve my Korean skills. My hobbies include dancing, baking, reading and watching movies, but I'm happy to talk about any topic. I'm looking forward to meet new friends :)
Língua estudada :  Japonês
Hi and welcome to my profile. I am here to study japanese in a fun way, which means through two way communication. I am married with two adult sons and two cats I love to travel, I like classical music and Jazz, as well as eastern European music, I love art, boats, food, japanese culture (raku, kintsugi, martial arts) and I would like to know more about Japanese contemporary art. I am a teacher french and used to teach French, English and maths mostly to high school students having learning problems. I would like to meet an open communicative person who is also interested in learning English and who I can teach about Europe and Dutch culture. I love hearing from you. こんにちは。私は日本語を楽しく勉強するためにここにいます。 結婚して、二人の息子と二匹の猫がいます。 旅行が大好きで、クラシック音楽とジャズ、東欧の音楽が好きです。美術、船、食べ物、日本の文化(楽、金継ぎ、武道)が大好きで、日本の現代美術についてもっと知りたいと思っています。 私はフランス語の教師で、主に学習上の問題を抱える高校生にフランス語、英語、数学を教えていました。 同じように英語を学ぶことに興味があり、ヨーロッパやオランダの文化について教えることができる、オープンなコミュニケーション能力のある人に会いたいです。
Língua estudada :  Japonês
Hi and welcome to my profile. I am here to study japanese in a fun way, which means through two way communication. I am married with two adult sons and two cats I love to travel, I like classical music and Jazz, as well as eastern European music, I love art, boats, food, japanese culture (raku, kintsugi, martial arts) and I would like to know more about Japanese contemporary art. I am a teacher french and used to teach French, English and maths mostly to high school students having learning problems. I would like to meet an open communicative person who is also interested in learning English and who I can teach about Europe and Dutch culture. I love hearing from you. こんにちは。私は日本語を楽しく勉強するためにここにいます。 結婚して、二人の息子と二匹の猫がいます。 旅行が大好きで、クラシック音楽とジャズ、東欧の音楽が好きです。美術、船、食べ物、日本の文化(楽、金継ぎ、武道)が大好きで、日本の現代美術についてもっと知りたいと思っています。 私はフランス語の教師で、主に学習上の問題を抱える高校生にフランス語、英語、数学を教えていました。 同じように英語を学ぶことに興味があり、ヨーロッパやオランダの文化について教えることができる、オープンなコミュニケーション能力のある人に会いたいです。
Língua materna :  Alemão
Hey whats up! I'm a 27 YO university student enrolled in "Languages and Cultures of East Asia" where i am learning some japanese and korean but in order to get proficient in those languages and improve my skills im looking for some people to practice and learn together. I'd do my best to teach you some german. One of my dreams would be to get to a level where i can teach those languages myself and work abroad in Japan/Korea/USA. Personally i am into TV Shows, US Rap, Videogames, books and recently started learning guitar and piano. Aside from learning the language i would also love to hear about how live is in your country, what kind of differences and similarities there are between out cultures, ...
Língua materna :  Alemão, Inglês, Francês, Ucraniano
Língua estudada :  Coreano, Croata
Heyy, my name is Viktoria and I'd love to learn as many languages as possible. My big dream is traveling the world one day and experience every countries beauty and food. I love cooking and going to the cinema. I also make my own perfume and Im currently learning how to sew clothes. I hope we can become great friends :)
Língua materna :  Alemão
Língua estudada :  Inglês, Russo
Hi. My name is Thomas and I want to improve my english and as well I want to meet new people and make some friends.
Língua materna :  Alemão, Inglês
Língua estudada :  Francês, Coreano
안녕하세요? 저는 시드니라고 합니다. 네, 호주에 있는 도시 처럼요 ^^ 한국나이로 24살이고요 이제 독일 쾰른 근처에 수학을 전공하고 있습니다. 초등학교 때에 제가 부모님하고 여동생이랑 미국에서 독일로 이사해서 프랑푸르트 바로 옆에 있는 비스바덴이라는 도시에서 잘았습니다. 비정상회담 자주 보시는 분들 알고 계실 지도 모르지만 독일에서 수능이랑 비슷하는 고등학교 말에 보는 시험 있슴지다. 그게 바로 아비투어이라고 해요. 그래서 저는 아비투어를 보고 고등학교를 마무리했고요 이제 곧 학사 끝나고 대학원 갈려고요. 얼마전에 거의 3년동안 한국인인 남자친구랑 헤어졌는데 한국어 쓸 때가 바로 없어졌네요. 몇 년 동안 열심히 싸인 실력이 살아질까 봐 언어 교환에 대새 관심 있으신 분을 찾는 중입니다. 동시에서 불어 언어 교환 파트너를 찾는 중이에요. 왜냐 제가 학교에서 8년 동안 불어를 공부했어요. 불어 수업 시간을 아주 즐겨웠고 잘 했는데 이제 고등학교 졸업한지 4년이나 되서 쓸 일이 없으며 언어 실력이 점점 떨어졌어요. 아직도 책 같은 걸 읽을 수 있지만 - 얘를 들어 지금 Jules Vernes의 Voyage au centre de la terre 읽는 중이에요 - 발음이 좀 떨어졌고 대화하기가 예전보다 훨씬 더 어색하고 어려워요. 그럼 혹시 저랑 한국어로하고 불어로 한 달에 한 번 씩 스카이프나 카톡 영상통화로 만나고 싶으신 분이 계시나요? 일단 서로 인생에 대해서 얘기하며 천천히 서로 알아보는 것은 어때요? 관심 있으시면 연락 부탁드립니다!
Língua estudada :  Japonês
Hi, overseas I’ve lived in 4-5 countries. In Germany for more than 8 years, before that Seattle and Norway. こんにちは。私は海外に何年もいるから家族以ちまして日本語れるようになりたいです。そしてもし、住んでいるところが近ければお会いしましょう。 日本語 と 英会語 又は 北欧言語 を 練習しましょう よろしくお願いします。
Língua materna :  Alemão
Língua estudada :  Inglês, Ucraniano, Francês
Mein Wunsch ist zu helfen die Welt offener,toleranter und menschenfreundlicher zu machen. Zum Entdecken neuer Kulturen, andere Menschen kennen zu lernen und Freundschaften zu schliesen, sind die Sprachen ein Türöffner. Deshalb möchte ich Englisch und Französisch richtig sprechen lernen und auch verbessern. Gerne helfe ich mit der Deutschen Sprache. Ich freue mich viele neue Menschen hier kennen zu lernen.
Língua materna :  Alemão
Língua estudada :  Inglês, Espanhol
¡Hola a todos! Mi nombre es Dietmar y soy de Alemania. Me gustaría escribir con las amables personas de España e Hispanoamérica. Estoy aprendiendo el español de manera autodidacta. Me encantaría conocer a alguien con quien pueda escribir en español. Si quieres, te voy a ayudar aprender el alemán o solo podríamos charlar un poco. Seguro debe ser muy divertido escribir sobre varias cosas para conocer otra cultura. Si quieres,¡escríbeme!, aunque no estés buscando ayuda en practicar alemán. Me alegraría mucho si me enviaras un mensaje. Saludos y, ojalá, hasta pronto. We also can write in English if you like! See you ! 🌍 
Língua estudada :  Francês, Suaíli, Wolof, Árabe
Hi my name is Tobias (I'm also open to learn languages I didn’t mention), I am from Germany & I study in Iran...Persian history and the history of the region...for example the history of West & Central Asia... But originally I'm fromthe tri-border region of Germany, France and Luxembourg (called Greater region of SaarLorLux or also Greater Luxembourg) We have several villages there which are divided between Germany & France in really strange ways! I am interested in all cultures, countries, continents & people, very open minded traveled to a lot of European & West and Central Asian countries, but I am interested in getting to know more cultures, people, countries, continents (especially East Asian & African countries but also all other countries) & people...cultural, social background, age & so on does not matter... I learned English and French in my school in Germany but forgot most of my French when I learned Arabic in West Asian countries which I learned mostly in Damascus, Syria...& my Arabic got a bit weak when I learned Persian in Iran...before I came to Iran, I even dreamed in Arabic. People talked to me in Arabic & I spoke in Arabic to people in my dreams, but since I came to Iran I did not have any Arabic dream any more...I still able to understand most classic Arabic but I cannot speak such fluently any more as before...but I am sure I will learn & improve my French & Arabic very fast if I would have people to practice with... My hobbies are meeting friends, drawing, photography, swimming, walking, jogging, riding my bike & martial arts/fighting sports, mountaineering/hiking/hill walking According to drawing and photography I am still learning, training & I still visit courses! By the way I also take private classes in stock trading & Photoshop... I would like to learn a lot of languages as you can see...I just hope that I don’t forget the languages I learn before or that I don’t get confused with so many languages
Língua materna :  Alemão, Russo
Língua estudada :  Inglês
I was born in Latvia but have lived in Germany for 25 years. I speak two languages: Russian and Germany. I would like to improve my English. I need the language for my job and for travelling.