
Inglês Intercâmbio de idiomas

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Língua materna :  Inglês
Língua estudada :  Espanhol
Me llamo Renée y me gustaría charlar regularmente con alguien en español y inglés. Tengo un nivel alto, pero necesito mejorar mi fluidez, y puedo ayudarte con el tuyo. Mis pasatiempos incluyen leer, hacer senderismo, ir al gimnasio, hacer Zumba y jardinería, estudiar Español (obviamente) y más. Ofrezco buena ayuda con gramática y vocabulario porque mi título es en inglés. But mostly, I just want to practice, and help you practice, by chatting in Spanish and English. My preferred means of communication would be Zoom or WhatsApp, but I'm flexible.
Língua materna :  Inglês
Língua estudada :  Espanhol
Hi I'm Sarah and just finishing up my medicine degree in the north of England. I spent 3 months in Spain a few years ago and I picked up quite a bit of Spanish, however I've forgotten most of it now. I'd like to carry on learning and improving my Spanish again now that I have more time.
Língua materna :  Inglês
Língua estudada :  Árabe, Russo, Turco, Português
Hello, My name is Christopher and I live in Nashville, in the USA. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Arabic, Russian, Turkish and Portuguese. I'd be happy to help you to learn English in exchange.
Língua materna :  Inglês, Polaco / polonês
Língua estudada :  Coreano, Chinês (Mandarim)
I am a student of Finance and Investment. I am interested in other cultures, the stock market, playing computer games, reading books, and painting. I would love to practice speaking in Mandarin, and have someone to ask questions about Korean! Currently I am learning Chinese from the HSK 3 book. I am looking for a person with the knowledge of Mandarin Chinese that could meet with me one time per week on Sunday and could check my reading from the book, have a simple dialog, and finally check my homework if needed. In return I offer the same with English. I can have a conversation with you, check your reading, writing etc. Fore the Korean I am looking for a person that can help me with writing and with explaining the grammar. I can do the same in return with English. I am not interested in talking to people from other countries. I am not interested in meaningless chat. My goal is to pass HSK 3 by November. And to pass TOPIK II level 3 by the end of the year. Chinese HSK 3 Korean TOPIK II
Língua materna :  Inglês
Língua estudada :  Holandês, Russo
I'm Shaun, 29 years old. I was born and grew up in South Africa but moved in October 2021 to Eindhoven, the Netherlands for work. Hobbies - reading, programming, photography, and learning the Russian language. :) At the moment I'm working towards taking the ТРКИ-2 exam. I have pretty good comprehension but my speaking and grammar skills need to improve a lot. Привет, я Шон. Я родился в ЮАР но переехал в Голландию в 2021 с женой. Люблю чтение, программирование, фотографию и изучению русского языка. Я беру урок с учителем раз в неделю со целом взять экзамен ТРКИ-2 в будущее. Очень хорошо понимаю русский но говорить свободно и без ошибок, это сложно. Поетому я здесь - ищу люди с кем я могу общаться. Я могу помочь с английском (мой родной язык) и чуть-чуть с голандском (я сам еще изучаю). Тоже будет приятно если вы знаете С++. Давайте пообщаться, если интересно вам. )
Língua materna :  Inglês, Lituano
Língua estudada :  Italiano
Hello, I am Karolina and I moved together with my family to Italy around a year ago. I am looking for la amica to practice my Italian language (which is still very basic) and am offering a high level English language practice as well as Lithuanian. Would be great to have someone who prefers to do a teams (or similar call). Looking forward to meeting you! Salve! Sono Karolina. Siamo Venuti da Lituania con la mia familia, un anno fa. Cerco la amica per fare practica in Italiano. Offero la pratica per te in inglesse e lithuano.
Língua materna :  Inglês, Hindi / híndi / indi
Hello, My name is Zayn. I'm 23 years old and I live in in India. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Czech, French, Polish, Russian, Spanish and German. I'd be happy to help you to learn English and Hindi in exchange.
Língua estudada :  Espanhol
Hola a todos. Me llamo Lakshay. Yo vivo en Madrid pero soy de Nueva Delhi, India. Soy naturalmente curioso y algunas de mis aficiones son: la historia, descubrir música nueva, el ciclismo, el correr, viajar, el cafe, la gardineria, jugar videojuegos y juegos de mesa, los proyectos de tecnología DIY etc Me gustaría tener más conversaciones en Español para mejorar mis habilidades para hablar y escuchar. Soy un hablante nativo de inglés y hindi puedo ayudarte con estos idiomas o responda cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre la historia y la cultura de la India.
Língua materna :  Inglês
Língua estudada :  Italiano
Ciao a tutti! Vengo dagli Stati Uniti e attualmente vivo in Veneto. Studio italiano da otto mesi e vorrei partecipare ad uno scambio linguistico per migliorare la mia capacità di parlare. In cambio posso aiutarti a migliorare il tuo inglese!
Língua materna :  Inglês
Língua estudada :  Espanhol
Hola, mi nombre es Amy. Soy de los Estados Unidos y vivo actualmente en Barranquilla, Colombia. Me gustaría mejorar mi español (especialmente de la costa) y también puedo ayudarte mejorar tu ingles, siendo una hablante nativa. :)