
Perfil de Adiiee


Nome próprio Ady
Cidade Toronto
País natal CA Canadá
País atual CA Canadá
Idade 29
Sexo Feminino
Língua materna EN Inglês
ES Espanhol
HI Hindi / híndi / indi
Língua estudada KO Coreano



Hi. I am Ady. I live in Canada. I work in international business and my regions of current practice are Latin America and South Asia. I love learning new languages apart from my career as well. To be respectful of the culture, I am looking to connect with a Korean native speaker, preferable female ( it's just about my comfort zone :) ), who can actually tell me more about the country and exchange languages with me. I am willing to teach English for Korean.

Thank you

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Nome próprio Ady
Cidade Toronto
País atual CA Canadá
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