
Perfil de Almarine


Nome próprio Марина
Cidade Odessa
País natal UA Ucrânia
País atual UA Ucrânia
Idade 35
Sexo Feminino
Língua materna EN Inglês
RU Russo
UK Ucraniano
Língua estudada IT Italiano
FR Francês
ES Espanhol
DE Alemão



Hello. -) I'm Marina from Ukraine. ))) Briefly about me: I'm an interpreter/translator of the English language (from Russian or Ukrainian), so you can see I'm proficient in this field. Recently I've been on maternity leave with two amazing kids who also speak fluent English, we'd LOVE to learn more European languages and exchange our knowledge with someone who also is eager to learn English or maybe Russian/Ukrainian, we could share this fascinating experience together and help our situations with language knowledge improve! I'm all fired up to get to know more, if you are excited as well - let's get in contact! -)))

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Nome próprio Марина
Cidade Odessa
País atual UA Ucrânia
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