
Perfil de Fromhaneul


Nome próprio Pawani
Cidade Kandy
País natal LK Sri Lanka
País atual LK Sri Lanka
Idade 17
Sexo Feminino
Língua materna SI Cingalês / sinhala
Língua estudada JA Japonês
KO Coreano
EN Inglês



Embarking on a Linguistic Journey: A High School Language Enthusiast

In the bustling halls of my high school, I am not just a student; I am a language seeker, a wanderer of words, and a dreamer of distant shores. My passion lies in unraveling the intricate threads of Korean and Japanese, languages that dance like cherry blossoms in the spring breeze.

K-dramas have been my clandestine tutors, whispering phrases and expressions into my eager ears. With each episode, I grasp a little more, like a sailor catching the wind in tattered sails. The cadence of Korean syllables and the elegance of Japanese kanji weave a tapestry of curiosity within me.

But beyond textbooks and screens, my heart yearns for something more profound. It craves the vastness of the sea, that ancient storyteller who has witnessed empires rise and fall. The waves, like ink strokes on parchment, etch tales of distant lands and hidden treasures. I imagine myself standing on a rocky South Korean cliff, the salty breeze tangling my hair, gazing out at the horizon where the sea kisses the sky.

And there, in that moment, my dream unfurls—a quaint house perched on the edge of the world, its windows framing cerulean vistas. A faithful companion, a dog, by my side, chasing seagulls and basking in the sun. The rhythm of crashing waves lulling me to sleep, and the moon casting its silver net upon the water.

So, as I conjugate verbs and memorize hiragana characters, I know that my journey transcends mere linguistics. It’s about bridging cultures, tasting salt on my lips, and finding solace in the ebb and flow of life. Someday, I’ll unlock the door of that seaside house, and my heart will echo with the whispers of the sea.

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Nome próprio Pawani
Cidade Kandy
País atual LK Sri Lanka
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