
Perfil de Niejunhao


Nome próprio niejunhao
Cidade São Francisco
País natal CN China
País atual US Estados Unidos
Idade 26
Sexo Masculino
Língua materna EN Inglês
ES Espanhol
ZH Chinês (Mandarim)
Língua estudada ZC Chinês (Cantonês)
FR Francês



My name is Jonathan Neris (聂君浩). I was born in the United States, but grew up in China, Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, and the United States. Therefore, my native languages are English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese, but I am also proficient in French, Cantonese, Latin, and Classical Chinese.

I am a business owner of a translation and interpretation with seven years of experience as an English-Spanish/Mandarin/Cantonese interpreter.

I am also a standup comedian whose dream is to become a conference interpreter in the EU and the UN, as well as raise awareness about more Neo-Chinese people like me who grew up in China and Hong Kong.

Any members of the LGBTQ+ community, please feel free to contact me as well. It's always nice to meet new people from the LGBTQ+ community like me. :)

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Nome próprio niejunhao
Cidade São Francisco
País atual US Estados Unidos
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