
Perfil de Peter25


Nome próprio Peter
País natal PL Polónia
País atual PL Polónia
Idade 25
Sexo Masculino
Língua materna EN Inglês
PL Polaco / polonês
Língua estudada DE Alemão



Hey! I'm Peter, 21 years old and I study Medicine. I'm from Poland, but I spent some of my teen years in the US. I'm looking for someone to speak German with, preferably through Skype, Zoom or some other form of video/audio conversations. I really want to overcome my speaking block. For the past year I've been learning a lot of vocabulary, now I can text more or less decently, I'm getting better with listening, but have almost no experience really speaking.
My hobbies: painting, reading, cycling, skiing, cooking, listening to music (anything from rock and metal to folk and classical)
I'll be happy to help with English and/or Polish.

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Nome próprio Peter
País atual PL Polónia
Língua materna EN Inglês
PL Polaco / polonês
Língua estudada DE Alemão
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