
Perfil de Weilhii


Nome próprio Wei Liang
Cidade Miri
País natal MY Malásia
País atual MY Malásia
Idade 28
Sexo Masculino
Língua materna EN Inglês
MS Malaio
ZC Chinês (Cantonês)
ZH Chinês (Mandarim)
Língua estudada KO Coreano



Hi there, my name is Wei Liang and I can speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Malay fluently. Learnt Korean a couple years back and are pretty good when it comes to reading however not a lot of actual practice on speaking it, so would like to have a language buddy to teach me while I could also offer some teaching back.

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Nome próprio Wei Liang
Cidade Miri
País atual MY Malásia
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