
Chinês (Taiwanês) Intercâmbio de idiomas

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  3. 🇹🇼 Chinês (Taiwanês)


Língua estudada :  Inglês
Hello, My name is Lau and I live in in China. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Other) and Chinese (Taiwanese) in exchange.
Língua materna :  Chinês (Taiwanês)
Língua estudada :  Inglês, Japonês
Since I majored in Sinology in college, I'm familiar with everything you might want to know in learning advanced Chinese, from Grammatology to linguistic, literature, history, or even calligraphy. I'm preparing to go study in the USA next year. Hope to find good language exchange partners. :)
Língua materna :  Chinês (Taiwanês)
Língua estudada :  Japonês
こんにちは Benson です 日本語を勉強したいです 今台湾に住んでいます 日本旅行が好きです どうぞよろしくお願いします
Língua materna :  Chinês (Taiwanês)
Língua estudada :  Inglês
I’d like to find a language exchange partner who also love to learn languages together by voice chatting online. i can help you practice Chinese conversation. I enjoy hiking, gardening and traveling.
Língua materna :  Chinês (Taiwanês)
Língua estudada :  Inglês
Hello, My name is KEN, I'd like to speak with native English speaker just beacuse I want to improve fluency.
Língua estudada :  Japonês, Inglês
こんにちは。 私は台湾人です。日本語を勉強しています。 私の趣味は料理や食べる、写真を撮ること、日本に旅行が好きです。 もしよろしければ、、一緒にに交流しましょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いいたします (アメリカに2年間留学したので、英語も続けたい) 你好,我是台灣人,現在正在學習日語。 我的興趣包括料理(台灣料理)、攝影以及旅行。 如果方便的話,可以一起語言交流,並分享自己的經驗。 請多多指教 I am from Taiwan and now I am learning Japanese. My hobbies include cooking, taking photos, and traveling. If you have time, please contact me for free I have studied in the US for 2 years, also want to keep to practice English
Língua estudada :  Inglês
I am Mavis , My Chinese (Mandarin)is very well,and I d like improving my English,I need to practice it more!maybe we can exchange culture and language or become friend.
Língua estudada :  Japonês, Inglês
Hi my name is Lucy. I am originally from Taiwan, and I moved to the United States. I write in Traditional Chinese, so if you'd like to learn Traditional Chinese, please feel free to reach out to me. I like anime, and I would like to make some friends who like animations as well.
Língua estudada :  Alemão
Hello, I'm Teresa from Taiwan. I'm an English and Chinese Teacher. Start to learn German by myself. Would like to have some language exchange friends to help me to practice German. And I'm happy to help you to learn Chinese and English.
Língua materna :  Chinês (Taiwanês)
Língua estudada :  Inglês
Hello, my name is Morris, and my mother tongue is Chinese. I live in Taipei now and am looking for an opportunity to practice my English. In my free time, I like to play baseball, badminton, and watch movies.